
I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan in the Physics Department and Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics. My research group focuses on various topics in Computational Cosmology and Astrophysics. We work with data from a variety of cosmological simulations to help interpret observed data of galaxies and galaxy clusters. This includes data from surveys such as the Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) and the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). In LSST, we are fairly involved with the Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC). We also build software to enable models of the galaxy-halo connection and to perform inference on survey images. Check out the group twitter (now X) to see recent news.

Interested in Joining?

If you are an undergraduate student at UMich interested in research, our group typically takes a student through the Physics Department’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship for Physics majors. If you are interested in joining the group through this program and wish to list me as a potential research adviser in the application, please also email me with a summary of your previous research experience, your expected semester of graduation, and any coding/software development experience you might have had.

If you are an undergraduate student from a different institution interested in research, please consider applying to our REU program. Our group also typically takes a student through the REU program.

If you are a current UMich PhD student and a current or prospective postdoc interested in working on a research project, please reach out to me directly over email.

If you are interested in the Physics PhD program at UMich, please see information here. I am typically unable to respond to the numerous individual inquiries pre-admisison. If you are admitted to a UMich graduate program, I would be happy to chat over possible research projects and collaborations as you consider your options. ALCCA has ongoing collaborations with faculty in the Astronomy and Statistics departments of UMich.